![]() Phil Bergner graduated in Science at London University and ten years on an interest in art surfaced which resulted in thirty years painting, up to the present day. He attended the London Heatherly School of Art followed by 3 years in the studio of the Australian Impressionist painter Hayward Veal. His first aim in painting is to realise a perceptual representation of his subject based on both an intellectual and emotional response. This entails a portrayal without a multitude of distracting details, and combines the basics of colour, light and space. Direct spontaneous colour is layered to give power and individuality to the brushstrokes, which transform archetypal motifs into unique and personal images. His interest in art has taken him all over Europe painting outdoor subjects and recently the coastline of Normandy has provided a rich source of inspiration. With solo and mixed shows in London and other UK cities, Phil's painting is represented in many art collections world wide.